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Welcome to Fire Containment Containment Concepts. We Produce The Only Commercial Grade Firebag That Both Contains and Suppresses Lithium-Ion Battery Fires.
Get a FREE BAG REPLACEMENT if your bag is ever used in the event of a fire!
How Does The PED Fire Safe System Work?
We Produce Industry Leading, Fire Containment and Suppression Technology
There are several fire containment systems out there, but none compare to our PED Fire Safe and PED Safe PAK. Our system is the only one in the industry that contains and automatically suppresses on-board lithium-ion battery fires. Our bags are made from high quality materials and are handcrafted right here in the USA.When purchasing a FCConcepts product, you can rest assured you have the best for your aircraft.
The Original EFCS Training Video
PED FIRE-SAFE™ Training Video
It is important to understand the threats lithium ion batteries present and ho to contain them. Our training video explains the risks, and how to prevent an in-flight catastrophe. Learn step by step how to use the device and how to properly test and maintain them over time.
FCC Product Line
Who we Serve

Is the lithium-ion battery fire threat real?
Should you be concerned with personal device fires in an enclosed environment – like an aircraft? What are the facts? What if it happened to you?
As of April 1, 2019, 254 air/airport incidents involving lithium batteries carried as cargo or baggage that have been recorded since March 20, 1991